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carlos   Carlos Ernesto G. R. Schaefer    icone_orcid   lattes
Full Professor
Agronomist, 1987; M.Sc., 1991, UFV; Ph.D., 1994, University of Reading (England)
Areas of Expertise: Pedology, Geomorphology, Soil & Environment.
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1050

Mattiello   Edson Marcio Mattiello    icone_orcid   lattes
Assitant Professor
Agronomist, 2002, UFRRJ; M.Sc., 2004; D.Sc., 2008; UFV
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Fertilizers
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1044

elpidio   Elpídio Inácio Fernandes Filho    icone_orcid   lattes
Full Professor
Agronomist, 1986; M.Sc., 1989; D.Sc., 1996, UFV
Areas of Expertise: GIS, Land-use Planning
Phone: +55 (31) 1037

emanuelle   Emanuelle Mercês Barros Soares    icone_orcid   lattes
Assistant Professor
Agronomist, 2001, UNEB; M.Sc., 2005, UFLA; D.Sc., 2009, UFV
Areas of Expertise: Soil Organic Matter,  Biogeochemistry of Soil Organic Matter
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-2630

igor   Igor Rodrigues de Assis    icone_orcid   lattes
Assistant Professor
Agricultural and Environmental Engineer
, 2004; M.Sc., 2006; D.Sc., 2010, UFV
Areas of Expertise: Soil Physics, Land Reclamation
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1052

irene   Irene Maria Cardoso    icone_orcid   lattes
Full Professor
Agronomist, 1984; M.Sc., 1992, UFV; Ph.D., 2002, Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Areas of Expertise: Soil & Environment, Soil Quality, Ethnopedology, Agroecology
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1045

ivo   Ivo Ribeiro da Silva    icone_orcid   lattes

Full Professor
Agronomist, 1993, Fundação Faculdade de Agronomia Luiz Meneghel; M.Sc., 1996, UFLA; Ph.D., 2000, North Carolina State University (USA)
Areas of Expertise: Soil Organic Matter
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1039/1041

j ker   João Carlos Ker     icone_orcid   lattes
Full Professor
Agronomist, 1977, UFRRJ, M.Sc., 1988; D.Sc., 1995, UFV
Areas of Expertise: Soil Survey and Mapping, Soil Classification, Soil Genesis, Soil & Environment
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1058

juio   Júlio César Lima Neves    icone_orcid   lattes
Full Professor
Agronomist, 1978; M.Sc., 1983, UFV; D.Sc., 2000, UENF
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Forest Soils
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1059

leonardusLeonardus Vergütz   lattes 3    icone_orcid

Agronomist, 2004; M.Sc., 2007, UFV; D.Sc., 2011, UFV.
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Forest Soils, Food Biofortification and Biogeochemical Cycling of Chemical Elements
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1048

marcio   Márcio Rocha Francelino    icone_orcid   lattes
Associate Professor
Agronomist, 1997; M.Sc., 2000, UFV; D.Sc., 2004, UFV
Areas of Expertise: GIS, Land-use Planning
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1073

mauricio   Maurício Paulo Ferreira Fontes    icone_orcid   lattes

Full Professor
Agronomist, 1974; M.Sc., 1979, UFV; Ph.D., 1988, North Carolina State University (USA)
Areas of Expertise: Soil Mineralogy, Soil Chemistry, Heavy Metals in Soil
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1057

nariam   Nairam Félix de Barros    icone_orcid   lattes

Volunteer Professor
Forest Engineer, 1968; M.Sc., 1974, UFV; Ph.D., 1979, University of Florida (EUA)
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Forest Soils
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1048

Raphael_2   Raphael Bragança Alves Fernandes    icone_orcid   lattes
Associate Professor
Agronomist, 1992; M.Sc., 1996; D.Sc., 2000, UFV.
Areas of Expertise: Soil Physics, Soil Quality
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1071

reinaldo_2   Reinaldo Bertola Cantarutti    icone_orcid   lattes
Associate Professor
Agronomist, 1977; M.Sc., 1980; D.Sc., 1996, UFV.
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1068

renildes   Renildes Lúcio Ferreira Fontes    icone_orcid   lattes
Full Professor
Agronomist, 1979; M.Sc., 1985, UFV; Ph.D., 1992, North Carolina State University (EUA)
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Toxic Elements in Water-Soil-Plant System, Use of Waste in Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1056

samuel   Samuel Vasconcelos Valadares    icone_orcid   lattes
Adjunct Professor
Agronomist, 2010, UFMG; M.Sc., 2011; D.Sc., 2015, UFV
Areas of Expertise: Soil Fertility, Forest Soils
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-2630

teo   Teogenes Senna de Oliveira    icone_orcid   lattes

Full Professor
Agronomist, 1985; M.Sc., 1991 , UFV; .D.Sc., 1996, UFV
Areas of Expertise: Soil Management, Soil Physics, Agroecology, Agroforestry Systems
Phone: +55 (31) 3899-1075

victor   Víctor Hugo Alvarez V.    icone_orcid   lattes

Volunteer Professor
Agronomist, 1962, Universidad Central (Ecuador); M.Sc., 1974, UFV; D.C., 1982, Colegio de Post Graduados, Chapingo (Mexico).
Areas of Expertise: Methods of Soil and Plant Analysis, Soil Fertility, Nutrition of Ornamental Plants
Phone: +55 (31) 3899- 1061


Programa de Pós-graduação em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas
Departamento de Solos
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
35670-900 – Viçosa – MG

E-mail: snp@ufv.br

Tel:  (31) 3612-4505
Fax: (31) 3612-4540

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