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The Graduate Program

In this section, you will can see:
– Program Overview
– Mission, Vision, and Values
– Some characteristics of the graduate student’s training process
– Selection Process (Admission) and Scholarships
– Financial Suport

Program Overview

The Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) offers the Graduate Program “Stricto Sensu” in Soils and Plant Nutrition (PPGSNP-UFV) at Master and Doctorate Degrees since 1977 and 1982, respectively. According to CAPES evaluations, the Master’s Degree maintained grade A since 1983/84 and the Doctorate since 1992/93. Considering the CAPES current evaluation system, the PPGSNP-UFV has a score of 6 from 7, which indicates excellence according to the CAPES criteria.

The PPGSNP-UFV aims to consolidate itself on a solid basis, integrating basic and applied knowledge in Soil Science. The Program considers the soil an essential component of our ecosystem, performing functions as maintaining the natural balance and the quality of the environment and related to the production of goods and services for society. The PPGSNP-UFV focuses its actions on training human resources in bases and foundations of Soil Science, through teaching and research activities, both in permanent articulation with university extension and stakeholders.

Definitely, the most vital and most visible part of the PPGSNP-UFV is its graduates and the success they have achieved, which certify the Program’s quality. Details of these professionals are presented in the People/Alumni section.

Equally important for the Program’s success are the teaching and technical support staff, the infrastructure, the quality of the Master’s dissertations and Doctorate’s Theses, and the consequent intellectual production (technical and bibliographic).

Mission, Vision, and Values of the PPGSNP-UFV

Mission: To train professionals with analytical and critical skills and advance knowledge in Soil Science and its interfaces to respond to social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Vision: To be a national and international reference in Tropical Soils.

Values: Ethics. Excellence. Cooperation. Social and Environmental Responsibility. Respect for diversity.

Some characteristics of the graduate student’s training process

The graduate student works full-time, under the supervision of an Advisory Committee. The study plan is planned according to the interest of the graduate professional’s training and in line with the mission and objectives of the Program.

PPGSNP-UFV offers the main research topics:
– Crop Nutrition Management
– Soil and Environment Management
– Geochemistry and Pedogenetic Processes

The research projects address themes of Soil Science and its interfaces, including Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition; Soil Genesis, Morphology and Soil Classification; Soil Mineralogy; Soil Chemistry; Soil Physics; Soil Organic Matter; Soil and Water Management and Conservation; Forest Soils; Soil Education; Land Reclamation; Soil-Environment Relationship; Agroecology; Pollution, Contamination and Environmental Monitoring; Water Resources, Environmental Impacts, Pedometry and Geoprocessing.

The candidate for the Master and Doctorate must take a minimum of 24 credits, and it is mandatory to take at least five different courses and the Seminar presentation. The mandatory number of courses must be fulfilled considering the additional requirement that at least three of them belong to the different groups listed below (more details in the Courses section):
– Group 1 – Genesis, Soil Classification and Pedometry
– Group 2 – Soil Physics and Soil and Water Management and Conservation
– Group 3 – Soil Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Organic Matter
– Group 4 – Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition

The candidate for the title of “Magister Scientiae” or “Doctor Scientiae” is required to prepare and defend a dissertation or thesis, based on original and quality research conducted under the supervision of an Advisory Committee. The candidate for “Doctor Scientiae” must be submitted to a Qualification Examination before the thesis defense.

To know more about Graduate School at Universidade Federal de Vicosa, please visit our Office of Research and Graduate Studies.

Selection Process (Admission) and Scholarships

There are grants scholarships for a maximum of 24 for Master and 48 months for Doctorate, supported by CAPES, CNPq, FAPEMIG, and other agreements with public and private companies.

The selection process for each academic semester is previously announced on this page through a Public Notice, in which the number of vacancies and the rules are defined. More details about that are on the AdmissionSelection Process icon on the side of this page.

UFV adopts an Affirmative Action Policy aimed at including self-declared black people, indigenous and people with disabilities. The PPGSNP also allows the granting of scholarships to foreign candidates. In all cases, candidates are required to be approved in the selection process, with conditions and limits for vacancies and scholarships established in each Selection Notice.

Brazilian candidates with their scholarships are valued in the selection process, and foreign applicants with scholarships go through a simplified selection process. In this last case, please contact the Program Coordination (snp@ufv.br) directly.

Financial Support

banner_capes (Finance code 001)






Programa de Pós-graduação em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas
Departamento de Solos
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
35670-900 – Viçosa – MG

E-mail: snp@ufv.br

Tel:  (31) 3612-4505
Fax: (31) 3612-4540

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados

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